Thursday 19 May 2011

A Slight Change of Plan

A little change of plan. I slightly underestimated how hard sprite making is. So, I'm going to use Game Maker 8 (The free version, since I'm really cheap), and I'm using sprites from A Link to the Past, with a few of my own additions. Unfortuantly, this will mean the game will take longer; I've spent the last 2 weeks making sprites that aren't going to be used :(

Sunday 1 May 2011

Up and Running

Well, I've finally got round to starting it. Hi, I'm a teenager who is obsessed with Zelda (the game, not the princess), and I love Ocarina of Time. And I wanted to remake it. But I'm really not good at art, so I decided to remake it in 2D. I decided I was going to add new dungeons, bosses, and the like. Now, just under a month since I started the planning stages, I'm nearly ready to start making sprites. Everything will be remade. Graphics, music (Adding only, I wouldn't take away any of that awesome Zelda music), even the plot will be lengthened, deepened, and in my opinion, improved (though I would say that).
Hopefully, I'll have the game completed by the end of 2012, but that's just a very rough estimate. It could be October 2011, it could be July 2013; I really haven't got much of a clue - this is the first big project I've made, ever. I'm making it in TGF2, by Clickteam. This is for a couple of reasons. Firstly, I'm too cheap to buy Flash, and secondly because it means I don't have to bother with coding (I can, I'm just lazy).
I should have a promotional (even though it's a non-profit project) poster up soon-ish - it's about half done. For now, here are the only sprites I've draw so far; the Medallions. There are 10 of them, and you should know six of them if you've played the original Ocarina of Time, and you might/should guess another, but I'm not telling you the other three. Okay, I am. But I'm not giving you anything other than the names. For some reason, they're in alphabetical order, not the order I uploaded them. I'm too lazy to change the order, and besides, it doesn't really matter.